Helping Change the World One Child, One Community at a time!
Key Club
About Key Club (High School)
Key Club International, the oldest and largest service leadership organization for teens, teaches leadership through service to others. Key Club’s 267,000 members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club’s 5,000 clubs thrive in 30 nations in North America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
By performing more than 12 million service hours each year, Key Club members make a difference in their communities and the world, organizing a variety of service projects, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
Key Club members are currently raising funds for The Eliminate Project, a joint effort of the Kiwanis family and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth.
Key Leader Program
Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today’s young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.
Participants begin by attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their schools, communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills.
The North Ridgeville Kiwanis Club was pleased to award scholarships to 5 of our High School students. We congratulate each of the students on their achievement and wish them the very best as they move on to a… Read More
2023 SCHOLARSHIPS In 2023, the Kiwanis Club of North Ridgeville provided six $500 scholarships to our High School graduates! We extend our warmest congratulations on their achievements and wish them even more success in the future.
2022 SCHOLARSHIPS North Ridgeville Kiwanis Club awarded four $500 Scholarships to North Ridgeville Kiwanis Key Club members. The Club had a chance to learn more about one of the scholarship recipients at their June 13th annual picnic. We… Read More
Key Club
About Key Club (High School)
Key Club International, the oldest and largest service leadership organization for teens, teaches leadership through service to others. Key Club’s 267,000 members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club’s 5,000 clubs thrive in 30 nations in North America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
By performing more than 12 million service hours each year, Key Club members make a difference in their communities and the world, organizing a variety of service projects, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
Key Club members are currently raising funds for The Eliminate Project, a joint effort of the Kiwanis family and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth.
Key Leader Program
Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today’s young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.
Participants begin by attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their schools, communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills.