The 2nd Annual North Ridgeville Kiwanis Cutest Pooch Contest has come to a close. We thank all the participants who entered their pooch and those who took part in the voting. Funds raised from this event will help benefit our area youths.
POOCH BANDANNAS FOR CONTEST ENTRANTS! The owners of those pooches entered in the 2022 Cutest Pooch Contest were able to pick up a free dog bandanna at the Corn Festival booth the North Ridgeville Kiwanis Club was selling corn on the cob at.
Take a moment to see the pictures below of the pooches who were introduced at the North Ridgeville Corn Festival on Friday, Aug. 12, 2022. The pooches were also able to join in the Corn Festival parade on Sunday, August 14th.
2022 Cutest Pooches!
Winning Pooch: Luna
About Luna: Luna is a Yorkie and will be turning 1 during the Corn fest weekend. She just loves people and other dogs… the bigger the dog the better! She completes our family and is loved very much!
Luna and her owner.
Luna with her owners holding her prize for being the Winning Cutest Pooch.
About Max: We rescued Max 8 yrs ago. He’s a black lab/husky mix. Our family is new to North Ridgeville and so happy to have found parks nearby that Max enjoys. He loves people, meeting new dogs (especially girls), belly rubs and treats. He also really enjoys shopping at home stores with his dad.
Max, the Runner Up, with his owners.
Max enjoying one of his prizes for being the Runner Up in the Cutest Pooch Contest.
About Kojak: Kojak is a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd living his best life! He loves swimming, hiking, chasing his kitty brothers, and sneaking pizza right out of the box.
Kojak with his owners and brother.
Kojak is happy with one of his prizes for being the Honorable Mention in the Cutest Pooch Contest.
About Bell: Bell turned 8 on July 22 and celebrated by going to Cabella’s, Pet Smart and The Grateful Dog Bakery. She shares her birthday with her 13 brothers & sisters and the city of Cleveland (226 years).
Her boyfriend Gus, a Labrador, lives next door, and Gus and Bell spend hours together every day.
Bell is a 55.6# cuddler who loves to walk to a nearby creek and scout for snakes and ducks.
Bell, relaxing on grass.
Bell with her owner as they await recognition for being the Kiwanis Top Vote Getter in the Cutest Pooch Contest.
Cutest Pooches Participate in the Corn Festival Parade
Luna, Winning Pooch, enjoys her ride in the 2022 Corn Festival parade.Bell, Top Kiwanis Vote Getter, is having fun riding in the Corn Festival parade.Kiwanis members Ed and Rachael sit in for Max, Runner Up, and Kojak, Honorable Mention.
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Last Updated: February 5, 2023 by cindy1
The 2nd Annual North Ridgeville Kiwanis Cutest Pooch Contest has come to a close. We thank all the participants who entered their pooch and those who took part in the voting. Funds raised from this event will help benefit our area youths.
The owners of those pooches entered in the 2022 Cutest Pooch Contest were able to pick up a free dog bandanna at the Corn Festival booth the North Ridgeville Kiwanis Club was selling corn on the cob at.
Take a moment to see the pictures below of the pooches who were introduced at the North Ridgeville Corn Festival on Friday, Aug. 12, 2022. The pooches were also able to join in the Corn Festival parade on Sunday, August 14th.
2022 Cutest Pooches!
Winning Pooch: Luna
About Luna: Luna is a Yorkie and will be turning 1 during the Corn fest weekend. She just loves people and other dogs… the bigger the dog the better! She completes our family and is loved very much!
Runner Up: Max
About Max: We rescued Max 8 yrs ago. He’s a black lab/husky mix. Our family is new to North Ridgeville and so happy to have found parks nearby that Max enjoys. He loves people, meeting new dogs (especially girls), belly rubs and treats. He also really enjoys shopping at home stores with his dad.
Honorable Mention: Kojak
About Kojak: Kojak is a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd living his best life! He loves swimming, hiking, chasing his kitty brothers, and sneaking pizza right out of the box.
Kiwanis Top Vote Getter: Bell
About Bell: Bell turned 8 on July 22 and celebrated by going to Cabella’s, Pet Smart and The Grateful Dog Bakery. She shares her birthday with her 13 brothers & sisters and the city of Cleveland (226 years).
Her boyfriend Gus, a Labrador, lives next door, and Gus and Bell spend hours together every day.
Bell is a 55.6# cuddler who loves to walk to a nearby creek and scout for snakes and ducks.
Cutest Pooches Participate in the Corn Festival Parade